Tuesday, September 8, 2015

And so the journey begins!

A few years ago, I decided I wanted my very own camper.  My family enjoyed camping but dealing with tents, as we were aging, was just a pain.  I didn't shop around much when I came across this little diamond in the rough.  It was in pretty good shape and the price was right.  For $6k, I was able to finance it and pay it off fairly quick. 

We used it only about 3 or 4 times in two years.  One day my husband came home and announced he was going to sell it to his brother for $4k.  I was mighty upset that he did this without discussing it with me, but I didn't want to look like a witch and just gave in. His brother and sister-in-law had started a little home business for vegetables they were to sell at the farmers market.  They had a friend helping them and needed a place for him to "live".  They were purchasing it for $200 a month until they paid off the balance.  Their helps health declined and he moved out.  My in-laws decided they didn't have to pay any longer. 

Here I am... with the title... paying insurance each month, and it was just sitting at their place for over a year...rotting.  With excuse after excuse like: It's too muddy due to the excessive amounts of rain... there's wasps...don't know if the tires are any good. On and on for a year.  I finally had enough and said, you have two weeks.  If it's not in my possession in two weeks, I'm going to hire someone to go get it.

FINALLY!  It was brought home (the last day of the 2 weeks mind you).  The condition was absolutely abhorring.  I had to first use a bug bomb for wasps, and so many other critters before I could even assess the damage.  Once that was done, I got to take a good look around.  The mattress had a burn hole... okay, not a big deal.  The kitchen sink was gross.  The fridge was turned off and not opened for a year... it had so much mildew in it, that it was classified as a true science experiment.  The freezer had a leaking bottle of vodka in it as well as a few ice trays of water...again, closed up for a year.  I can't say the smell was pleasant.  Felt as though I would either have to trash it...or purchase a hazmat suit.  There was some kind of bug nest on the bunk beds... I have no idea what but freaked out just looking at it.  Then it was on to the bathroom.  I have never been so scared, in all my life, as to what I would encounter in there.  Mildew, mold, and something that may have been alive was in the commode area... the bathtub black as night... I was in a nightmare!  They left the awning down during a storm and it was ripped off.  They said they would pay for that until they found out the cost... needless to say...it's still off.

I didn't take any pictures of it because, it was a horror story best left to verbal details and not living images.  It took me almost a week to clean it out JUST to be brave enough to show "before" pictures.  My plan is to make this into my own retreat/she shack/work space for my photography.  A little sanctuary that is mine and mine alone.  Throughout this next year, I will update this occasionally with little projects and redecorating ideas.  I have triplet 16 year old boys who are in the 10th grade this year.  I have a little more than 2 years to play with this project before I can kick them out legally lol.  Once they are out...if I decide... Sell the house and live in my little sanctuary. 

Without further ado, here are the before pictures.  There's quite a bit of work to be done.

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